What We Do

The Nature Trust of British Columbia took on the daunting task of protecting the natural riches of the province by building a treasury of wild natural areas to conserve iconic and important species at risk.

The Nature Trust of BC is now a leading non-profit land conservation organization. Since 1971 we have acquired more than 500 conservation areas in British Columbia.

Treasured places like the Salmon River with its abundance of fish, birds and elk on Vancouver Island, Boundary Bay on the flight path of hundreds of thousands of migrating birds in the Lower Mainland, the White Lake Basin which is home to many species at risk in the Okanagan, and the magnificent 10,000 acre Hoodoos conservation complex in the Kootenays are protected for future generations. These are some of the 180,000 acres (73,000 hectares) The Nature Trust of BC and our partners have acquired.

B.C. is endowed with the highest number of species of any province or territory in Canada. Yet more than a quarter of the species assessed in B.C. are now at risk because of low or dwindling populations. Saving their habitat is the first step in protecting our wildlife, fish and plants.

The success of The Nature Trust depends on those who share our passion for B.C. With every donation a donor makes, we recognize the trust that is being placed in our hands. This is why our organization places a high priority on operating in a fiscally responsible manner. We carry no debt and no mortgages and undertake yearly audits.

For yearly highlights of our conservation work, view our Annual Reports.

  • Scholarships & Funds

    Supporting researchers and community members in their quest to seek a better understanding of our natural environment is an integral part of our role as a leading land conservation organization. Learn about available scholarships and funds.

  • Partners

    The Nature Trust of British Columbia greatly appreciates the support of a wide variety of partners including individual donors, corporations, foundations, non-governmental organizations and all levels of government in order to accomplish conservation goals.

  • History

    The Nature Trust of British Columbia was established in 1971 with a $4.5 million grant from the Federal Government in honour of B.C.’s centennial. Since then, the brightest minds in conservation science and business have built The Nature Trust.

Meet Our People

The Nature Trust of BC is driven by an exceptional group of professionals with a passion for conservation. A balance of science and business expertise build a solid base of research and experience to save homes for endangered species.

The Nature Trust… is aimed at turning the tide of species and habitat loss… and at building on our history of acquisition and stewardship in cooperation with you.

Dr. Peter Arcese, Advisory Council

Discover What We Do

The Nature Trust of British Columbia is dedicated to conserving B.C.’s biodiversity by restoring, securing and managing critical habitat across the province.