On October 6th we held our 50th anniversary virtual gala. The live-streamed event was attended by over 350 people and was a huge success for conservation. Throughout the night we honored the past, celebrated achievements and shared our vision for the future.
We raised over $1 million dollars through our campaign for conservation in BC and donations are still coming in.
Some highlights of the night include a USD $1.25 million donation from Pan American Silver through the NAWCA program to fund wetland conservation in BC, the presentation of the Conservation Champion Award to Jan Oudenes and Isobel Ralston of MapleCross, and an exclusive interview with NTBC Vice Chair Dr. Sally Otto on the current state of the biodiversity crisis.
A huge thank you to our sponsors, our auction donors and our campaign donors. You made this possible.
If you missed the show, you can watch the full program here. And if you are proud of the work we are doing, please share with your friends and family.
Thank you to our 2021 Gala sponsors:
Wheaton Precious Metals
Endeavour Silver Corp. | John Thwaites and Pia Gemma | Stephen Partington
Blakes | McCarthy Tétrault | PH&N Investment Services | PH&N Institutional
Ron and Diane Anderson
Doug and Eva Christopher
Rudy and Elizabeth Kerklaan
Peter and Janet Thwaites
John and Gail West
Sabine and Richard Wood
4Front Mortgages
Connor, Clark & Lunn
Crew Energy
Odlum Brown Limited
Sitka Foundation
Stu Bell
Vancouver Fraser Port Authority
Dilworth Homes Kelowna
Trans Mountain
Susan and Bob Sinclair
Sparkling Wine
Summerhill Pyramid Winery
Bird Watcher’s Digest
The Globe and Mail
Thank you to our Auction Donors:
List of 2021 online auction donors
Thank you to our Volunteers:
Loren Dennison
Monica Gewurz
Elaine Kennedy
Tom Kennedy
Diane Salter