Walk with us down the path along Boundary Bay and look past the dry grassy marsh to the mudflats extending out to the horizon. Patches of grass and sea asparagus dot the mud, and zones of shallow water reflect the sky.
Birds of every type surround your view. Hear the familiar calls of Mew Gulls and Mallard ducks. Catch sight of the majestic Blue-listed Great Blue Heron as it flaps its large wings and takes off. Spot a bald eagle perched on a sun-bleached log.
High in the sky, Bald Eagles pass overhead while a Northern Harrier glides on the wind. Just then, the heart-shaped face of a barn owl swoops by, hunting small prey.
The birds here travel from all over the world to get to this significant habitat for rest and food. How far will they go when they continue on their journeys?
- In 1987, the Nature Trust of BC acquired the 32-hectare Boundary Bay property to conserve internationally significant waterfowl and fish habitat within the larger Boundary Bay Wildlife Management Area.
- The ecosystem is made up of intertidal salt marshes, mudflats, and open water marine habitats. The salt marsh habitats support large sea asparagus communities as well as various grasses, and the low intertidal zones support extensive eelgrass beds.
- Boundary Bay is a vital link in the Pacific Flyway, supporting over 1.5 million birds from three continents and 20 countries, as well as the largest wintering shorebird and waterfowl populations in Canada.