Here at The Nature Trust of BC, the beginning of the summer means new Conservation Field Crew members start their important work across the province. We met up with the Lower Mainland Crew at our Addington Point Marsh property in order to find out what the summer has in store for them. We also happened to see some pretty incredible wildlife along the way!
The new Crew consists of talented individuals from all over Canada with a wide range of skills and knowledge spanning the environmental and conservation field. Sammy Penner, the Lower Mainland Field Operations Technician, leads the crew and told us about some of the exciting projects the Crew would be working on as she gave us a tour of the property.

Sam Penner, Lower Mainland Field Operations Technician, examines the map with the team, pointing out landmarks to describe the property.
Just as we were about to get the inside scoop, there in the marsh, we spotted a beautiful Black Bear and her cub munching on vegetation. We stopped for a moment, snapped a few photos, and although she seemed preoccupied with her voracious snacking, we didn’t want to disturb her so we carried on in a different direction.
As we continued down the misty path towards the lookout, Sammy told us about her plans to install Wood Duck nesting boxes with her Crew. Wood Ducks were nearly driven to extinction in the early 20th century due to overharvesting and habitat destruction. They have since rebounded dramatically due to increased efforts in protecting wetland habitats like Addington Point Marsh and the construction of artificial nesting structures like the nest boxes the crew plans to install. They also have plans to remove invasive species, improve salmon spawning habitats, and even host events for Nature Trust supporters.
Just as we were talking about Wood Ducks, we spotted some other colourful birds. A little Rufous Hummingbird buzzed by us and landed on a telephone wire. Meanwhile a Sandhill Crane adjusted herself on her nest in the distance – giving us a perfect view of her precious eggs. Countless other wildlife species call Addington Point Marsh their home. We saw Canadian Geese, Blue Herons, a Pileated Woodpecker, a Green Frog, and even the toxic Yellow-Spotted Millipede!
We feel lucky that we got to meet the new crew, see some wildlife, and enjoy one of our favourite NTBC properties. We really appreciate our Conservation Field Crews and everything they do to maintain places like Addington Point Marsh and all our other properties around the province.

Photos by Bennett Whitnell