Take a moment, relax, breathe deeply, and join us for a virtual tour of The Nature Trust of BC’s Mount Maxwell property on charming Salt Spring Island.
Walk through this 22-hectare property. See the rare Garry oak woodlands, stand beside magnificent Douglas-fir, touch the distinctive arbutus tree, with its orange bark that peels like snake skin.
Notice the beautiful spring wildflowers, grasses, mosses, and a variety of flourishing shrubs.
Hear the rat-tat-tatting of Pileated Woodpeckers and the lightening-fast splash as the Great Blue Heron spears its lunch.
Imagine sitting on a cliff and smelling the sea breeze with a panorama view of the coastline before you.
Look west to see the sun setting over the ocean and islands in the distance.
Let this moment lift your spirits.
Conserving these special places is what The Nature Trust does.
We look forward to bringing you more quiet virtual visits that will take you to the edge of lakes, up the mountains, and into the forests on our properties across beautiful B.C.
For more information about this and other Nature Trust properties, please visit our interactive map.
We hope that this moment has lifted your spirits.
If you are able and would like to donate to The Nature Trust, please visit our donations page
Landscape photos by Graham Osborne