Watch the rising sun chase away the morning mist. Take a moment and join us virtually for a tour of The Nature Trust of BC’s Twin Lakes property in the arid Okanagan.
Enjoy this 809-hectare property. See the rare Ponderosa Pine with their large cones and scaled bark. Take in these dry woodlands of pine and Poplar standing near still lakes that reflect the clear blue sky.
Notice the yellow spring wildflowers, grassy shrub-steppe, and moss-covered rocks.
Smell the sage brush wafting in the warm air.
Relax while watching the painted turtles sunbathing on a floating log.
Feel the crunching of the desert grasses under your feet – but watch out for the camouflaged Western Rattlesnake.
This breathtaking landscape is unique in Canada. These plants and animals are only found in the habitats with long, hot summers and relatively dry winters. Gaze at this natural wonder knowing that it is protected now and in the future.
Let this moment lift your spirits.
Conserving these special places is what The Nature Trust does.
We look forward to bringing you more quiet virtual visits that will take you to the edge of lakes, up the mountains, and into the forests on our properties across beautiful B.C.
For more information about this and other Nature Trust properties, please visit our interactive map.