Crescent Spur is comprised of three parcels totalling 76.9 hectares (190 acres) of land and located 55 km northwest of the community of McBride and within the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George. The property includes ancient inland forest, with trees older than 1000 years, and rare riparian ecosystems.
The area contains two different types of ecosystems – the Sub-Boreal Spruce and the Interior Cedar-Hemlock. Both exhibit a very wet and cool climate and are at-risk ecosystems. Currently, only 4 per cent of the Sub-Boreal Spruce and 11.2 per cent of the Interior Cedar-Hemlock are protected provincially. The land provides critical habitat for a variety of endangered, threatened, and at-risk species, including the Little Brown Myotis, Barn Swallow, Short-eared Owl, Common Nighthawk, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Horned Grebe, Grizzly Bear, Rusty Blackbird, and the Wolverine.