Nancy Baron

Nancy Baron is a senior research fellow at NCEAS — the National Center of Ecological Analysis, UCSB in Santa Barbara. She designs and delivers communications and leadership trainings for environmental researchers and helps build communities of support and collaboration.

She is an advisor to the Liber Ero Fellows Science Advisory Committee in Canada and to SciLine at AAAS – the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She also enjoys her role as a Director of the Sitka Foundation in Vancouver.

Nancy is a pioneer in the field of science communication and worked with COMPASS as Director of Science Outreach for 22 years.  Her science communication book, Escape from the Ivory Tower: A guide to making your science matter, is a practical “how to” communication guide that is widely used by scientists. Nancy began her career as a biologist in Banff National Park, spent 6 years as Director of Education at the Vancouver Aquarium, then morphed into journalism before becoming a science communications coach for environmental scientists. She has won numerous writing awards including the Canadian Science Writers Science in Society and National Magazine awards

She spends as much time as she can in wild places, binoculars in hand, with her writer husband Ken Weiss. They live on an organic avocado orchard outside Santa Barbara.

She joined The Nature Trust of British Columbia as a Director in June 2022.